Client Testimonials & Reviews


"Obi is an amazing trainer. He really takes the time to know you inside and out, and he was able to successfully create a a training program is is based on what I wanted to obtain for myself. Sadly, professionalism and caring for the client is something that is lacking with most trainers these days. but, after meeting and working with Obi, he is someone that's a stand up guy that's always there when you need him!"

— Kesley R. July 5, 2017 —


"Obi is so dedicated to helping his clients meet their goals. He is a trainer 24/7, not just during the session you pay him for. I'm glad I went with Obi as my trainer and can't wait to see the outcome. Totally recommend Obi!"

— Brooke B. June 18, 2017 —

  "Obi is great. Very knowledgeable and fun to work with.

His workouts are good and he pushes you to do better. "                                

— Heather M. June 26, 2017 —    

"Obi is a great coach. He's extremely supportive and empowering but tough enough to make you work. You'll definitely get a great workout and a caring coach if you work with Obi. Highly recommend him as a personal trainer to everybody." (Mandy V.) June 17 2017


      " I have never had someone kick my butt as good as Obi! He is an awesome trainer and I know that he will help me reach my ultimate goal for myself. He truly cares about his clients and is always available for any questions you may have and will find a solution for you. Totally, totally recommend this guy." (Samantha H.) June 8 2017          




"Obi is a great guy to train with. He has extensive knowledge in the fitness industry and he is always so happy and willing to help. I would recommend him to anyone from just starting out, or an experienced gym goer! He genuinely cares for your results." (Austin J.) June 4 2017


"Obi truly cares about you and makes you accountable. He thinks outside the box to get you to your goals." (Clint K.)

"Very knowledgeable and provided great insight, instruction, and energy. Had a great experience overall, recommend it to everyone that's serious about taking the next step." (Spence D.)

"I have had a personal trainer before and I was not too impressed, so my husband was surprised when I told him I wanted to try working with a trainer just one more time. That's when we met Obi. He has been one of the greatest blessings. His approach to training is more like a coach. He is deeply invested in each of his clients to the point that we are good friends and he genuinely cares. He caters to individual strength and needs. He also texts us daily to help us be accountable and keep on track with our nutrition. My husband and I work out with him once a week together and we literally see progress every single time! It's not about how many reps you can do for how long, it's about doing your best and going until you're completely tapped out! It has been a great opportunity to build teamwork and be competitive at the same time. If you're serious about wanting to better yourself and having a great time while doing so, Obi is your man! As soon as we are done with our workout we are already looking forward to the next one! Once we've had a few days to recover, of course."                      (Carley H.) May 29 2017


"He's a fantastic trainer. Always pushing you to your limits. Very knowledgeable, motivating, helpful, and professional. I highly recommend him." (Matt A.) May 25 2017

"Obi is a wonderful trainer. He pushes you really hard but you feel awesome after the training. His work out regiments focuses on the core muscles. He is very knowledgeable in fitness and nutrition." (Amy D.) May 18 2017


“I just want to start off by saying that hiring Obi Owoh as my personal trainer was by far one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself. For years I’ve struggled with my physical appearance and because of that, I was not very confident in myself. Thanks to Obi, I’ve become a stronger person mentally and physically. He taught me that just like everything in life, it’s a marathon not a sprint. He is with me every step of the way and is always there when I need him. It’s also really cool that Obi is a home gainer. He comes to my home with his equipment and gives me awesome 30 minute workouts. 30 minutes May not sound like much, but it’s all about efficiency and quality. If getting started on the journey to a better you is something you are apprehensive about, fest no more. Lionstrong Fitness is the best personal training out there, and would highly recommend it. You won’t regret it!😀” (Guadalupe O.) Apr 28 2019


Obi is a superb personal trainer. Workouts are invigorating and full body so afterwards I feel strong all over. Even though I'm getting pushed to the limit, we have lots of fun and that's awesome to have fun while getting the gains. I LOVE that he can come to my house and is flexible to my schedule, and a whole body strength and cardio training in just 30 minutes. There is no way to get a more efficient workout. He pushes me harder than I would push myself, which is exactly what I need. But he's also fun and nice so we have a great time. He is also truly dedicated to my achieving of my goals. I was shocked and love that he is present by phone 24/7, and helps me with diet. He doesn't limit my diet, just helps with modifications to make things I already enjoy a bit healthier. I never expected to get 24/7 personal training, and it is fantastic, not just the 30 minutes he is with you, and I think that will ultimately lead to my success. I also enjoy how creative he is with workouts, we can work out outdoors in the nice weather, and he allows family participation too, so overall it's a wonderful experience and for me he is a part of my family and key to my success of achieving my goals of improved health and strength. I am so happy with him, I tell everyone about him, and I'm so excited to have him as my trainer! (Stephanie S.) April 24 2019

“Obi is an inspiration. His positive and professional direction in every session leaves you feeling tired, happy and ready to take on the day.” (Claire G.) May 8 2019

'“Obi gives a great workout experience. It's fast, fun, hard, and different than the usual gym workout. Total body workout in 30 minutes. What more could you want.” (Ralph E.} March 29 2019

“I emailed Obi less than a week ago and he responded immediately and set up a phone call. the same day, he came to my apartment and I had my first training session. I have been impressed from our exchange of email until the moment he stepped foot into the gym with me. ask the questions, he has an answer. He takes pride in being a PT and is genuine— that’s hard to find in a world full of fad diets and fad training. Today I completed my 3rd session and I’m excited for what is to come. You won’t regret working with Obi!!!” (Sara R.) March 22 2019

“Absolutely The Best Trainer! Obi challenges me in my workouts in super fun, inventive ways. I wish I had hired him sooner. He doesn't just train me, he teaches me. I love that.” (Anne B.) Feb 22 2019
